Come along to my classes and you will
My Clifton classes have been running for over 25 years now and throughout that time I have aimed to make them inclusive, effective and fun.
You don't need to prebook or prepay for Legs, Bums & Tums - just come along with a bottle of water and with some simple sports gear on. We are all shapes, sizes and fitness levels. Everyone is welcome but this class is specially designed to address the fitness needs of the over 50s which means that is mainly low impact with an emphasis on conditioning, mobility, balance and all round fitness.
Pilates is mixed too but does tend to be mainly ladies. To improve flexibility, increase strength (especially tummies and backs) and also relax a little this class is perfect. (Book with Tessa)
Seated Pilates Exercise Class: This simple fun mixed class uses seated and standing exercises to improve your strength and balance to aid everyday living. See the Seated Pilates page for lots more information.
If you have a medical condition it is wise to check with your GP before coming to my classes and make sure you tell me about it too - this is not to stop you coming but just to help me adapt the exercises if necessary.
So if you want to lose some weight, tone up or just have some fun then why not come along and have a go?
See you soon!
Tessa x