Class descriptions 

Legs, Bum, Tums Class  - £6 per person. 45 minutes.

LEGS,BUMS,TUMS is a 45 minute low impact class specially designed to target the fitness needs of women over 50 ( that's me!) - but you are very welcome to come if you are younger!
We will still work aerobically to burn calories but the moves will be low impact ( if you like high impact you can still do that) and we will focus on strength training which is essential as we age.
Using body weight plus equipment such as light hand weights and resistance bands ( all provided) we will combat bone density loss, improve posture, reduce risk of back pain, improve joint and muscle strength and boost metabolism. Balance work will be in the mix too plus mobility and flexibility exercises to keep us all supple!
We will also have fun!


Pilates class and Gentle Pilates- PRE PAY course. £50 for 8 week course

Pilates is a group exercise class using the original teachings, principals and exercises of Joseph Pilates delivered in a modern and functional group exercise session.

Pilates addresses basic postural imbalances, improves back and core strength and enhances mobility and flexibility in a non-intimidating, fun and enjoyable class set to music.

It is an all-inclusive programme designed to strengthen weaker areas of the body and is suitable for all levels of fitness and general healthy adult

The class is barefooted and we use the floor as well as standing moves. Prepare to lengthen, strengthen and relax.

Pre-book is essential as there are a limited number  of places. Pilates is a progressive style of exercise and you will benefit from a regular weekly class.

Suitable for all levels and ages. Not suitable if you have a chronic muscular/ bone condition or are pregnant. It is not a rehab class and unsuitable for individuals with diagnosed muscular-skeletal issues that require one to one clinical application.

All participants will need to be able to lie on their fronts and backs and be able to move from floor to standing without assistance. 

The 'Gentle Pilates' class on Mondays at 9.15am still requires the ability to move up and down from the floor as well as exercising on our fronts and backs ...we just have a bit more time to do it!  Our class objectives are the same as all the other Pilates classes but the emphasis is more heavily towards age-related posture and mobility issues.

Seated Pilates class -  £6 per week payable in chunks of £36 or cash each week.

60 minutes long including a cuppa

This simple fun class using seated and standing exercises will improve your strength and balance to aid everyday living.
Seated Exercise uses elements of Pilates but done in in a chair. The class is ideal for clients who would find it difficult to spend an hour on the mat or would have difficulty moving into different positions on the floor. The class will focus on core exercises to strengthen the spine, increase strength and mobility of the joints in order to improve the function of the body in daily tasks. We will use a combination of small props; these props support chair based exercises and provide the body with feedback during the movements. As well as Pilates-inspired moves as also do some aerobic - style activity ( chairobics I guess !) . 
All ages and fitness levels are welcome.

No classes on Bank Holidays